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Your story has a specific purpose.

Your story is your legacy to your family, friends, and the world.


I am a writer, author, Writing Coach, Consultant, and a retired educator of over 30 years. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and English Literature, from the University of Miami, a master’s degree in Educational Technology, with Curriculum and Instruction, and an Ed. Specialist degree in Educational Leadership. Having taught middle school, high school, and as a college adjunct, I have committed more than half of my life, to the craft of writing and storytelling. There are few things in life that bring me more joy than coaching struggling, reluctant, and even unmotivated gifted writers, through the craft of writing.

Not only have I taught writing, but I am also a writer, as well. I have written articles, journals, and books, and I have collaborated on writing projects that focus on lifting the voices of marginalized communities. After retiring, I focused my practice more on the art of writing, coaching clients in uncovering and sharing their personal narratives using the memoir technique.

I have guided many new and aspiring writers through their writing journeys, using reflective techniques and key writing strategies. If you take the next step and commit, I can also help you. Everyone has a story to tell, including you.

*Stephania P. Biddings

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  • Receive an overview of the memoir genre’

  • Review a list of popular memoirs, for their storyline

  • Receive a free 30-minute consultation

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